March 14, 2024 •Oak Street Funding
Educate yourself and your clients
Advisory professionals, such as CPAs, RIAs, and insurance agents, not only have to navigate tricky economic waters to run their business, but they must also help their clients do the same. To stay abreast of macroeconomic trends, Marc suggests a great resource, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).
The CME trades Fed funds futures, which is the overnight rate that banks charge each other, and it gives a good guide to what the market is expecting for Fed policy. He also recommends Fed Watch, a page he uses almost every day to try to figure out what the market thinks about Fed policy and where interest rate policy is likely to go.
For a third perspective, he suggests following the Atlanta Fed GDPNow, which estimates GDP growth for the current quarter using a methodology similar to the one used by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. GDPNow releases their estimate prior to the official figure, which goes out with a delay. According to Marc, the Atlanta Fed GDPNow rivals the surveys for who's more accurate.
Reduce your risks
No matter how educated someone is about the economic environment, unexpected storms can blow up and threaten to throw a business off course. While you can’t protect yourself against risks, there are steps to reduce them.
Alicia points out that well-thought-out succession plans can help mitigate risk, but many business owners don’t have one. For example, you may think you want to have a certain employee take over your business after you retire, but without open and honest discussions to craft a succession plan early, that vision may fall apart. Why?
Your intended successor may be planning to move to another city because of their spouse’s work, need to focus on caring for a family member, or they simply may not have interest in an ownership role. If you don’t have clear plans in place for moving the company forward upon your exit, employees may get nervous. If they jump ship for what seems like a more secure firm, the sale value of your business could be lowered.
In what used to be an arena only for large companies and asset managers, there are now tools for reducing currency and interest rate risks for small- to medium-sized businesses, notes Marc. He points out that one of the most important ways to mitigate risk is to protect a company’s human capital.
Strengthening the employer-employee relationship and building a company culture that provides staff professional development can help a business weather a variety of storms. He advises building a team with a diverse set of problem-solving skills, so someone on the team will have the ability to address challenges, if they arise.
Moving forward
Overall, the economic outlook moving into spring looks positive, with expectations for an economic slowdown later in the year. You can make the most of these conditions by staying up to date on economic trends and watching for purchase and sale opportunities that match your goals. Succession planning, currency and interest rate risk mitigation tools, and protecting your firm’s human capital can make it easier to sail smoothly through uncertain waters.
Oak Street Funding
Oak Street Funding (OSF) is a First Financial Bank company specializing in loan products and services to insurance agents, CPA firms, and financial advisors.


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